Abtei St. Bavo in Gent

Aus Repertorium Saracenorum
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Abtei St. Bavo in Gent
VariantenFür Abtei St. Bavo in Gent werden diese Namens- und Schreibvarianten verwendet Sint-Baafsabdij, Sankt-Bavo-Abtei, Abbaye Saint-Bavon de Gand
Typ Abfassungsort, Kloster
GNDGemeinsame Normdatei 4020176-4
Getty TGNGetty Thesaurus of Geographical Names 7007887
VIAFVirtual International Authority File 128544040

KoordinatenKoordinaten übernommen aus Getty Thesaurus of Geographical Names. Abweichungen hiervon sind durch einen redaktionellen Hinweis gekennzeichnet. 51° 3' 14.00" N, 3° 44' 10.00" E
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Der Eintrag im Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names bezieht sich auf Gent, die Stadt, in der die ehemalige Abtei liegt. Die Abtei ist dort nicht separat aufgeführt. Die exakten Koordinaten der Abtei lauten: 51° 03′ 14″ N, 3° 44′ 10″ E

Koordinaten: 51°03′14″N 3°44′10″E

Externe Inhalte abgerufen aus dem Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (Getty TGN 7007887, zuletzt abgerufen am 05.08.2024)

The city of Ghent is the capital of the province of Oost-Vlaanderen in northwestern Belgium. It lies at the junction of the canalized Lys and Scheldt Rivers and is the center of an urban complex that includes Ledeberg, Gentbrugge, and Sint-Amandsberg. The settlement grew up around two monasteries that were built here in the 7th century, and expanded quickly after a fortress was built on a nearby small island in the 10th century. It was major commercial center, famous for its woolen textiles by the 13th century. The capital of medieval Flanders, it was a strong force against foreign rule through the centuries, and virtually independent from its nominal rulers the counts of Flanders and dukes of Burgundy until 1584. The city has retained a great deal of its medieval and Gothic art and architecture, notably the Gothic Cathedral of St. Bavon, or Baaf, dating from the 12th century, contains many famous works of art, including Hubert and Jan van Eyck's polyptych altarpiece, "The Adoration of the Lamb," also called the "Ghent Altarpiece" Its textile industry, which declined in the 17th century, revived later with the production of cotton cloth, which is still a major product. Its many museums make it a center of culture. The 2003 population estimate was about 226,900.


In "Abtei St. Bavo in Gent" sind folgende ins Repterorium Saracenorum aufgenommenen Werke verfasst worden

WerkAbgefasst vonVerfasserIn des WerkesSBHält das Werk relevante Berichte für das Repertorium Saracenorum bereit?AbfassungszeitZeitraum bzw. Zeiträume der Abfassung des WerksBerichtszeitraumZeitraum, über den das Werk berichtet.
Annales S. Bavonis GandensisVerfasserIn unbekanntnein1338-135047 608-1350