
Aus Repertorium Saracenorum
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GNDGemeinsame Normdatei 4008135-7
Getty TGNGetty Thesaurus of Geographical Names 7005286
VIAFVirtual International Authority File 137159715

KoordinatenKoordinaten übernommen aus Getty Thesaurus of Geographical Names. Abweichungen hiervon sind durch einen redaktionellen Hinweis gekennzeichnet. 53° 5' 0.00" N, 8° 48' 0.00" E
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Externe Inhalte abgerufen aus dem Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (Getty TGN 7005286, zuletzt abgerufen am 05.08.2024)

The city of Bremen is located on both banks of the Weser River in northern Germany, about forty miles from the North Sea. The initial settlement developed at the junction of important European trade routes. The emperor Charlemagne established a diocese there in 787, which by 845 was an archbishopric including all of Scandinavia, Iceland, and Greenland. In 1358 it became a Hanseatic city, and a highly dynamic commercial center. It continued long as a free imperial city, resisting aggression from Sweden and Hanover. It joined the Germany Confederation in 1815 and the German Empire in 1871. Its excellent facilities and prime location made it a highly strategic shipping and receiving point in both World Wars, and it was heavily bombarded in World War II. Its old town took a heavy beating, losing around 69% of its buildings. Much of its historic architecture has been restored, however, including the medieval market place with its 11th century cathedral, a row of medieval gabled houses, the Romanesque town hall, and the 1404 statue of Roland. The modern city continues its traditionally busy commercial and industrial activity, featuring aircraft production, electronic consumer goods, and foodstuffs among many others. The 2004 estimated population was 545,000.


In "Bremen" sind folgende ins Repterorium Saracenorum aufgenommenen Werke verfasst worden

WerkAbgefasst vonVerfasserIn des WerkesSBHält das Werk relevante Berichte für das Repertorium Saracenorum bereit?AbfassungszeitZeitraum bzw. Zeiträume der Abfassung des WerksBerichtszeitraumZeitraum, über den das Werk berichtet.
Gesta Hammaburgensis ecclesiae pontificumAdam von Bremenja1075-1076um 800-1043
Miracula s. WillehadiAnsgar von Bremennein860-865770-865
Vita AnskariiRimbert von Hamburg-Bremennein865-876 1101-um 1140801-865