Historiarum libri quinque 0008

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Historiarum libri quinque 0008
aus dem Werk Historiarum libri quinque
Zitation Rodulfus Glaber, Historiarum libri quinque IV, VII, 22, ed. France 1989, S. 206.
zeitliche (Quellen-)Angabe Mitte des 11. Jahrhunderts
datiert auf 1002
VerfasserIn Rodulf der Kahle
Abfassungsort Auxerre, Cluny


Ein christliches Heer kann [1002] die aus Afrika kommenden Sarazenen vernichtend schlagen und den Herrscher von Cordoba Abu Amir al-Mansūr töten.


Sub hisdem uero temporibus consurgens rediuiua Sarracenorum in Affrice [​Afrika​] partibus aduersus Christianorum populum perfidia, persequendo eos terra marique quosquos repperire poterant, quosdam excoriabant uiuos, alios trucidabant; et cum iam diu multumque inter utrosque debacatum plurima cede fuisset, pluresque strages ab utrisque partibus date, contigit ut ex deliberatione partis utriusque in comminus illorum acies pugnature deuenirent. Illi presumentes confidebant in rabida feritate immense sue multitudinis, uictores sese fore existimabant, nostri uero, licet admodum pauci numero, Dei omnipotentis auxilium inuocantes, per interuentum genitricis ipsius Marie sanctique apostolorum principis Petri omniumque sanctorum sperabant de illis fiducialiter obtinere triumphum, […]. Christiani tamen omnino inlesi uictores apparebant; ad ultimum quoque tantus horroris tremor inuasit Sarracenorum exercitum ut, ueluti pugne obliti, fugam arripere temptantes, quamuis nequicquam: propriis irretiti iaculis, immo uirtute Dei stupentes heserunt, Christianorum uero quantus erat cuneus diuino fortificatus auxilio tanta eosdem cede prostrauit ut ex innumerabili multitudine illorum uix pauci euaderent. Motget nempe princeps illorum, qui quasi Moyses [​Abu Amir al-Mansūr​] ita confuse nominator, illo prelio dicitur defuisse.


At this time the treachery of the Saracens of Africa [​Afrika​] against the Christians revived, and they attacked by land and sea, taking all they could find; some they flayed alive, others they butchered. The maniac killing on both sides went on for a long time, and each side suffered terrible destruction, so that in the end they both agreed to bring their armies to battle at the earliest possible moment. The arrogant enemy, trusting in the raging ferocity of their enormous host, believed victory was theirs, but our people, though very few in number, invoked the aid of God Almighty through the intercession of His Mother Mary, the holy Peter, Prince of the Apostles, and all the saints, and so they confidently looked forward to a triumph. […] The Christians suffered no losses and were clearly victorious; finally a tremor ran through the Saracen army and the enemy, as if unmindful of the fight, sought to flee, but in vain; for they were entangled in their own spears – or rather, by the might of God – and were struck there dumbfounded. The army of God, made irresistible by divine aid, killed so many of them that only a handful of that unnumbered multitude survived. It is said that Mujāhid [​Abu Amir al-Mansūr​] their prince, whose name is the name as Moses, but corrupted, died in the battle.

Hinweise zur Übersetzung

Rodulfus Glaber, Historiarum libri quinque IV, VII, 22, ed. France 1989, S. 207.


Die Datierung ergibt sich aus dem Todesjahr des Abu Amir al-Mansūr, vgl. Rodulfus Glaber, Historiarum libri quinque I, V, 17, ed. France, S. 33, Anm. 3.

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Historiarum libri quinque 0008, in: Repertorium Saracenorum, hg. von Matthias Becher und Katharina Gahbler, unter Mitarbeit von Ben Bigalke, Jonathan Blumtritt, Lukas Müller, Patrick Sahle et al., URL: https://test.saraceni.uni-koeln.de/wiki/Historiarum_libri_quinque_0008 (zuletzt abgerufen am 5.10.2024).