
Aus Repertorium Saracenorum
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GNDGemeinsame Normdatei 4035770-3
Getty TGNGetty Thesaurus of Geographical Names 7008410
VIAFVirtual International Authority File 137166008 16144647641099262251

KoordinatenKoordinaten übernommen aus Getty Thesaurus of Geographical Names. Abweichungen hiervon sind durch einen redaktionellen Hinweis gekennzeichnet. 45° 49' 53.52" N, 1° 15' 28.10" E
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Externe Inhalte abgerufen aus dem Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (Getty TGN 7008410, zuletzt abgerufen am 05.08.2024)

Limoges has been the seat of the French porcelain industry since 1736. Limoges flourished as an enamel artwork center in the 12th century; it is home to many artists of enamel painting. Limoges was destroyed in the 5th century, creating two separate towns in the 9th century; the two towns merged in 1792. Limoges was one of the pilgrimage sites on route to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela; French pilgrimage routes to Compostela tend to follow old Roman roads, many of which continued to be utilized as primary roads of communication during the Middle Ages. Located in Limoges is a 13th-century Romanesque-Gothic cathedral, various churches, and Roman ruins.


In "Limoges" sind folgende ins Repterorium Saracenorum aufgenommenen Werke verfasst worden

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Annales LemovicensesVerfasserIn unbekanntnein867-1060838-1060